Mailing List Message #2850
From: Westphal, D. (Dana) <>
Subject: Re: Preparing for bonding
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 12:45:34 -0500
To: '' <>
          <<  Lancair Builders' Mail List  >>
Most of you have probably already noticed, but Ron Alexander is doing a
series on composite construction in Sport Aviation.  This month (7/99) he
discusses bonding.  FYI, one preparation procedure described involves 180
grit sandpaper or Scotchbrite pads, acetone followed by dry rag, then a soap
and water wash (to remove solvents), then dry.     Check it out!  I reckon,
WHATEVER IT TAKES TO GET A CLEAN, ROUGH PART! (or is that a rough, clean
part, or a  ...)  Sorry about the "shout", Marv.

Dana Westphal
(360 MKII, receiving "therapy" on cleanliness hang-up)
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