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With great interest, I read with Gerard's post on the subject, as well as
the subsequent replies. This info is very beneficial to me, as I am at
about the same stage of construction as Gerard. However, I have not yet
ordered the rest of the kit (have tail only), but the spousal negotiations
are in high gear (mini-van vs. Lancair parts, etc. "But honey, after 5
years, it's my turn again!"). As such, I was wondering if there's ANYTHING
I can do on the vert stab in the meantime (the HS is essentially complete)?
I've bounced this off Marv already, but figured I'd go ahead and throw it
out there in LML land for comment. What about making some of the ribs and
spars and pre-fitting them? Also, I noticed in the manual that there are
two recommended construction options for the ribs/spars. One calls for foam
with BIDs, the other technique uses prepreg core. Any recommendations?
Dana Westphal (360 MKII, hoping to order rest of kit soon)
LML homepage: http://www.olsusa.com/Users/Mkaye/maillist.html