Mailing List Message #2844
From: <>
Subject: Re: Flap Pitch Movement IV
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 09:00:27 EDT
To: <>
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From:  n295 v v

In my LIV the pitch movenment in the flap extension is fairly smooth, and
gives no surprises.

However,  if I am at low speed and need to abort the landing, retraction of
the flaps gives such an excursion of pitch that i have only done it once---it
was the scariest experience i have had in my plane.

 If I abort a landing, I  dont touch the flap control.  I put the plane into
full power, push the rudder to the floor, and climb verrrrry slowly to
recover altitude.

Slowing down the flap retraction speed would help, but I cannot do this
manually and control the climb out at the same time--the inputs are above my
physical skill level.

I really think that if i retracted the flaps at 100 kts the pitch excursion
might stall the airplane, it is that violent, particularly at full power as
an aborted landing dictates.

I would be interested in learning if other IV pilots have solved this
problem, or if they have it.

David Jones
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