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Naf; Like Bob Chelsey has already stated. The pitch down with full flaps
is a little shocking at first.I can attest to the fact.My 360 does that
also.I have not flown yours ,but it does not sound unlike the others I
have seen.I also have Dick Reichels gear driven trim system(I share
Bob.s sentiments)which I retro fitted.It did make the whole process a
bit less threatening.I would guess that the stick back pressure would be
at least 10/15# without proper trimming.What speed are you putting the
flaps in at?.My normal procedure is Gear first at 120 kts,flaps out of
reflex after gear is confirmed down,trim trim trim then half flaps
around 100knts,trim off back pressure then full flaps if not a cross
wind.If it is a cross wind of greater than ten kts I use half
flaps.Another trick that works for me(while on the subject of flaps)is
to raise the flaps when I am nearly ready to touch down.It stops the
floating in ground effect.There may be some of you who would disagree
with this,but with a little practice it has worked very well for me.As a
matter of fact I (with the help of neighbor Bob Stia:)have installed my
flap control on my stick to facilitate this technique.I now leave my
saddle and spurs on the ground........<G>
Tom Giddings 360TG
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