Mailing List Message #2839
From: Bob Chesley <>
Subject: Re: Severe Pitch Moment with Flap Extension
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 10:09:25 -0700
To: <>
          <<  Lancair Builders' Mail List  >>
    I am in the first few flights of my 320 at Camarillo.  (I've been delayed be
a radio problem... long story)  I noticed yesterday after returning from a full
flap landing that there was significant elevator deflection upwards.  I'm using
the Dick Reichel elevator trim system.  (In my option it's the best retrofit
that I have installed.)  I cranked in the back trim on approach as needed, so I
don't know what the untrimmed back pressure would have been like.  The elevator
left over from the trim was up at the leading edge about an inch.  It took about
four "pushes" of the slightly exposed trim wheel to put it back to neutral.
That won't help your friend much if he doesn't have the Reichel system.  I would
make a guessg that it would take 5-10 pounds on the stick to put it there, but
that's pretty rough (and against Reichel's stiffer springs), but it may tell you
something.  There is a lot of flap there!  I can try to be more precise if you
like, but it would take quite a bit of untrimmed back pressure.  There is still
plenty of up elevator .
    Was his a LOT more back pressure?

Lancair 320 - N4YH
Ojai, CA

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