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In answer to "Loop" Vanderloop's question on building sequence I offer the
following from my experience of completing the whole job in a room 19' by
14' ( which concentrates the mind!).
1 Install belly pan with fuselage inverted.
2 Install cockpit closeout ribs with fuselage erect
3 Do not even consider putting gear motor behind baggage bulkhead!
4 Invert fuselage and cut out gear doors and install main and nose gear
completely (includes firewall s/steel & fiberax)
5 Attach stub wing skins and fill etc.
6 Install hydraulics pipes, sequence valves and fuel pipes in wheel wells
etc. Remove and paint inside wheel wells then re-install.
7 Filler prime and sand undersurfaces to pre-painting condition when you
are sure bottom is really finished (drain holes etc)
8 Fit wings and complete
9 Erect Fuselage and fit out cockpit hydraulics/ fuel pipes, elevator
push/pull tubes etc. Do NOT fit centre console, seats or seat backs,
although these should be cut out and fixed temporarily ASAP.
10 If space is a constraint continue to complete and finish horizontal and
vertical stabs
11 Resume cockpit work and connect up ailerons, rudder and elevator.
12 Install Header tank
13 Install and wire panel
14 Fit Engine & Prop/spinner
15 Fit and make cowlings
16 Fit and make Canopy
17 Fit rear glass windows
18 Fill & sand, fill & sand, fill & sand .............................etc
19 Prime
20 Fill & Sand
21 Prime
22 Paint
23 Rig
24 Test everything
25 Fly
I hope this is clear, it worked for me, took 7 years and 7,300 hours of
Michael Fopp
LML homepage: http://www.olsusa.com/Users/Mkaye/maillist.html