Mailing List Message #2834
From: Gerard J. Cerchio <>
Subject: re:What is the best way to proceed?
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999 08:52:27 -0700
To: <>
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About doing the belly before doing the tail.

Belly first!  I managed to need to flip the plane over
only once during the 10 years of construction. (I have
the super slow-build kit).  I also did all the bottom
priming while the bird was still up-side-down.  A lot
better then getting under there with the spray gun!

Just a word on extending the engine on the older birds.
I just finished bolting on new engine mount I got from
Marv.  It was a breeze!  I have to order a new gas
line from the fire wall to the engine pump and
extend my starter B+ wire but that is it.

The cowl extends very easily with three bid on the
outer side and one bid on the inner.  I varied a
little from recommendations.  It is easier to hang the
cowl pieces from the ceiling nose up and hang the
Bid extensions that way.  They fall perfectly with the
lines of the  cowl.  I'll fit it on the plane today.

First flight next week?

Gerard Cerchio

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