Mailing List Message #2831
From: Ian B. Crowe <>
Subject: What is the best way to proceed?
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999 10:35:41 -0400
To: Marvin Kaye <>
          <<  Lancair Builders' Mail List  >>
Do not put on the vertical stabilizer or the vertical stabilizer spar
unless you have scads of headroom to turn the whole fuselage over.

Upside down is great for,

Front wheel well installations, main gear wells, nav antenna in the roof of
the baggage compartment.

I have adopted the practice of finishing each area totally..  For instance
I have done all the hydraulics, brake lines and wiring in the gear wells
prior to fitting the top skins of the stub wing sections.  Ditto for the
nose gear.  I even painted the wells with the plane upside down.  Also I
completed all the body filling and sanding that I could in the up side down

I then flipped it over and whilst the gear is down and locked the weight is
on two jacks for levelling purposes.  I am now finishing the vertical
stabilizer, remembering to fit the antennas.  Also do not forget to rig the
rudder cables prior to closing up and if you have dual rudders you have to
splice the RH cable onto the LH cable.  Unless you are long and thin and do
not suffer from claustrophobia you will find it impossible to work there
with the full tail assembly in place.  I also made the elevator push/pull
tubes and adjusted them for length, also checked to see that there was
interference with anything else.

As a rule of thumb look at every part that has to go in a given area and
remember that you are building a system not installing individual parts.  A
lot of thought now will save you even more time later.

I am no expert but will cheerfully share my experience (good bad and
indifferent) with Gerard if he wishes to contact me directly, although I
feel that this forum is the best way as it tends to weed out the bad
advice, when there is any.


Ian Crowe
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