Michel, if you write to Textron Lycoming at 652
Oliver Street, Williamsport, PA 17701 or phone 570-327-7091 or better still go
to the Web site at www.lycoming.textron.com and contact
customer service and ask for Technical publication SSP-397, you will find the
help you need. I think it is free. If you talk to their customer
service you will find them helpful. There used to be a lady by the name of
Gladys Uber and I found her great.
SSP-397 lists every Lycoming type ever made and
from this you can work out the engine most suitable for your aircraft. If
you want to play safe take the Lancair recommended types, look them up and find
out the actual specification of them and match them as closely as you
Your type 1 mount is a Dynafocal mount and will be
the mount you will most likely find will match the engines you will find for
sale. The difference between the type 1 and 2 is the angle of the
mounting points to the crankshaft. 30degrees for type 1 and 18degrees for
type 2. I think the type 2 was used on the twin Comanche. The conical
mounts are parallel to the crankshaft.
I am using an IO 360 A3B6D but that is a 200hp
engine and is slightly larger in overall size and heavier than the engines
specified by Lancair. Your cowl as supplied by Lancair has very little
tolerance for bigger engines. New cowls are a pain in the backside and
expensive. I know I did it! Check out the physical size carefully. I
do have a table showing the sizes and weights of different types of Lycoming
engines if you need it. In fact I will send it with this E mail. The SSP-397 is
too big to scan and send.
Ian Crowe