My understanding is the FAA requires "A Type-Certificated Engine/Propeller
Combination". to qualify for the 25 hour test period.
Does that mean that a certified bird must be out there with the same exact
engine and propeller? What about an STC for a certain propeller on that
engine? I took no chances and found a Type Certificate Data Sheet
with my engine and propeller combination and had it ready at my DAR
inspection. My IO-550N and the new Hartzell Scimtar propeller are exactly
what flies on the Cirrus SR22, right down to the last little number and
The DAR requested the engine model and the propeller model a couple days
before our inspection. I'm not sure how much looking he did, my guess is
he has some searchable database of engine/propeller combinations that are
certified. Or maybe he just saw Continental and Hartzell? I doubt it
though, he was pretty thorough.
Mike Easley
Colorado Springs