----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 5:12
Subject: boost pump -LNC2
After 800 plus hours, I have come to the
conclusion , after reading lml and slow starting, that my Dukes Fuel Pump is
to hign on the firewall. I plan the following fix: I do not have a header
tank, and would like to add a Facet pump under my seat to prime the Dukes pump
which should then work much better since it will be wet and not have to suck
air and take 20 to 30 seconds or longer to move the fuel to the engine.Does
this make sence or am I missing something. It seems easier that lowering the
Dukes pump, and I believe that the Facet is free flowing. Any and all comments
appreciated. Sincerely, Fred N9BF