I?m sure we?ve missed some things ? any comments or suggestions?
I think you're right on with the annunciator lights, and it looks like you've
got plenty of room to play with, so why not?! Rob Logan did a cool thing on his
plane by placing gear door indicator lights on his panel, I believe through the use
of additional micro-switches. I think this is a great idea, because it allows you to
diagnose your landing gear, and anything that gives you more information about
the condition of your landing gear is a big plus. You could incorporate this as one
light or three (three obviously being preferable, but one is better than none).
Just imagine a failed microswitch on your nose gear... your panel says gear down
but it also says gear door up... you fly on in complete confidence rather than
make an emergency landing/fly-by, etc...
Aaron May
Legacy S# 108