I attended the 3 day class in Ada OK which the folks at GAMI teach on
advanced engine management. I admit I was on the fence over the LOP/ROP
issue. On day two of the class I had to make a quick trip to Dallas for
business and flew over that night and back for the course the next day.
I tried the techniques they teach at GAMI and THEY WORK. Period.
I have never been able to attain 80% power with 18 GPH fuel flow at CHT/EGT
well in line. I have never seen the combination of higher TAS, lower temps
and economy FF in the 3 years I have been flying the IVP.
For anyone who is dropping $500K into an airplane taking this course ahould
be manditory. You will save money in repairs, fuel, time and it just may
save your life.
Yeag getting to ADA is a pain but $1,000 is a cheap price to pay for what I
agree is a PHD in engine management. George Braly is without a doubt the
Albert Einsten of the conbustion engine. He has real world data to prove his
point and best yet has an engine set up on a test stand where we could verify
what he says is true. I busted his chops on everything I didn't understand
or was different than the "conventional wisdom" and came away realizing that
I learned more in 3 days about how engines work, how to treat them and how to
realize when things were going wrong than I had learned in 25 yrs of flying
put together.
Great job GAMI and keep up the good work.
Dave Riggs