Mailing List Message #16531
From: <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Re: [LML] Re: flight instruction in new Lancairs
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 09:51:23 -0500
To: <lml>
Opinions on the interpretation and enforcement of these regulations varies
widely between the FSDO's. Just as some FSDO's crack down on hired gun build
shops some FSDO's look the other way. Jim's advice to check with your FSDO is
solid stuff.

Is the FSDO going to find out if you get fligth training in your aircraft
during Phase One flight testing. Maybe, maybe not. It depends on how many
people you tell. You are only one individual away from direct contact with
the FAA and your FSDO. If you do not know your FSDO inspectors, your flight
instructor surely does, your FBO does, your examiner does, your A&P does and
so does your flight surgeon. So if your are going to bend the regulations
remember this: "Loose lips, sink ships."

Jeff Edwards
CFI, DPE -- and I know a lot of FSDO inspectors
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