Mailing List Message #16492
From: <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Re: [LML] Ancient Radios
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 12:35:54 -0500
To: <lml>
1)  For Hamid -- Yes, I thought you were joking, and you were, but I have no
experience with Terra radios so I didn't know if they were your example of
good radios or bad.  Now I know.

2)  Also for Hamid -- Cost benefit analysis.  Certainly cost is a factor for
us all.  The guy's point was that as individual owners, we don't necessarily
do a quantitative trade study when we want t new radio.  We often say "I want
it" and come up with a flimsy rationalization for why it's the right thing to
do.  (At least I do.)  Then we try to explain it to the company treasurer
(the wife).  It was a cute story, anyway.

Thanks for your comments on radio installation.  This is where my expertise
ends, so I'll be hiring out the manufacture of my comm system wiring harness.
 I expect them to use the standard installation hardware but at least their
workmanship will be superior to mine.

Power wiring (lights, landing gear, flaps, etc) I will do myself.

- Rob Wolf
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