Mailing List Message #16487
From: <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Lancair IV test flying
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 11:06:42 -0500
To: <lml>
To all

Just a few notes about the testing and my check out in my new Lancair IV.

I entered this phase with much trepidation.  Charlie Kohler made this a very
enjoyable experience.  He is extremely anal about the inspection which is
probably why he has so few of problems with First flights.  He also is the
best instructor that I have ever flown with.  My IV now has 12.9 hours on it
and not a scratch on it.  The engine seems to be 90% broken in and I am
completely checked out.  The IV is extremely fast and a blast to fly.  As I
said yesterday the hardest thing for me is the speed down low.  My past
experience is about 350 hours in a LNC2 but I had not flown hardly at all
since I sold it two years ago.  As you can probably tell, I am one happy

The cost to have Charlie do the test and checkout, while not cheap, is the
best money that I ever spent.

Tom Byrnes Lancair IV N54TB 100% with just paint and interior to go
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