Mailing List Message #16479
From: Bob Jude <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Sky Sports gage
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 20:40:59 -0500
To: <lml>
>I have noticed a couple of reports on the LML about problems with the
SkySports capacitance fuel gauge.<

Gary, I have Sky Sports probes in 3 tanks and a triple fuel gage from Sky
Sports.  I have had no problems with them since installation but during the
building stage and initial tests I had a lot of problems with the gage.  I
had to send the gage back for replacement three times before they gave me a
good one.  I would bench test the gage and run the needle up and down the
scale a few times, using my fingers to simulate the probe.  On the first 3
gages, at least one of the needles would stick or drag at about mid scale.
My header tank probe has been very consistent and reliable.  The wing tank
probes are not quite as consistent on the zero and full readings.  This may
be because the header probe is vertical and the wing probes are at an angle
that is more horizontal than vertical.  The level of the aircraft can affect
the reading in the wing tanks.
Bob Jude, N65 BJ

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