>We are all awaiting your test<
Thanks much,
Yes!!!, I did the free fall test at 120 MPH with my new 120# gas spring and
the nose gear snapped down into locked position quickly. Now, I can be
confident that if the need should arise, I can slow down to 100 MPH and
expect the nose gear to lock down for many months to come. This is what I
was looking for "that extra margin of safety" , "that comfort zone". I
don't like living on the edge of uncertainty.
I want to thank everyone that replied to my post. To those who suggested
that I look in to other causes for my gear not coming down, I just want to
say that I have never had a free fall test fail if I slowed down to less
than 100 MPH, even when the gas spring was down to about 80#. My nose gear
swings as free as a bird. I have always replaced the spring at annual
inspection if it measured less than 100#, per the Lancair manual. Murphy's
law tells me that if I ever need the free fall function, it will be on a
cold day, just prior to annual inspection and at least 30 days since I did
the last free fall test in the air. Too close for comfort.
If you start with a gas spring that measures 95 to 100#, it won't be long
before you have to replace it. I don't have time for that BS. I'd rather
be thinking about other things.
Bob Jude