For Barry Knotts:
I have seen covers over the rudder hinge access openings. ( I intend to add covers to my rudder just because the openings are so large.)
However, I have never seen covers over the elevator, flap, or the aileron hinges. Seems like most folks can keep these openings to a reasonable size. In hindsight, I would like to re-do the openings for my flap actuator rods since they turned out much larger than they need to be. Maybe sometime in the future when I have some spare time?????? (RIGHT!!!)
One suggestion; take your camera to the Redmond fly-in and take photos of what you see there. Remember,in addition to the space to get the bolt, nut, and washer thru the hinge, you also need space for the wrenches and cotter-pin.
Happy building, Bill Hogarty L-IVP @ 91 %