>>>>> On Wed, 5 Jun 2002, "AP" == AP Pienaar wrote:
AP> another point would be to sit in the right seat and leave all
AP> the control as they are.
Not crazy about that as it's non-standard, would freak other folks
out and make the plane hard to sell. And flying from the right seat
makes most VFR (traffic pattern) landings a bit more "interesting" as
it becomes harder to judge your position relative to the runway
(now port-side).
>>>>> On Wed, 5 Jun 2002, "AP" == AP Pienaar wrote:
AP> By swapping the left and right hand sides of the instrument
AP> panel with all instruments connected via quick release plugs,
AP> and using instrument panel inserts you would be able to
AP> re-configure to the "normal" configuration.
Way too much trouble and complication for me.
It would seem to make things less reliable not to mention that
magnetic and RF interference is voodoo. What are the chances that
you'd be able to get everything working correctly, move things to the
other side of the panel and not introduce instrument/radio errors?
I'm just looking for a *simple* solution that disturbs things as
little as possible while still putting a throttle in my left hand and
stick in my right for takeoff and landing. Second throttle seems the
best solution for me.
Paul Davis
Lancair Legacy builder
Phone 713-918-1550
Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit
Perhaps one day it will be pleasant to remember even these things