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From: "ken covington" <>
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Subject: Checking for fuel leaks
Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 18:00:34 -0700
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          <<  Lancair Builders' Mail List  >>
I would like to offer a simple solution to check for fuel leaks.
I will use the E.S.for example.
With the wing setting right side up and on a slant inboard end down,(I used
the cradle the wing was built on)drill #40 or any small drill size hole on
the front and back of each fuel bay.You will have to reefer back to the
drawings for the locations.Also drill one or two holes at the outermost bay
toward the wing tip.These holes are drilled on the bottom side of the
wing.Start filling the tank about 5 a time,and watch for fuel
running out of each bay area.If you see fuel leaking from the 1st bay,you
know where the leak is,no guesswork.Do this until the tanks are full and
let it sit over night.Hopefully all will be mine were.
A friend of mine was not as lucky,and we found two separate leaks.But they
were easy to fix because we knew where the leaks were.We cut a hole in the
top of the wing big enough to see in all areas,approx 6x6,found the area
hysoled it up and 
 with proper repair procedure put the cutout section back in,and you cant
even tell where it was.One of the leak areas was large enough that it
needed hands on filling,no amount of trying to force a sealer in would have
One good thing about repairing it this way is that you can see how the wing
looks inside,and get a good picture of your squeeze out.I know my friend is
a lot happier because know he knows its o.k.
P.S. When drilling your holes,make sure you do not drill into the wing
spar.I just thought to throw that in,because I know you wouldn't

Ken Covington E.S.
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