Perhaps you weren't subscribed at the time, but I reported on a Glasair II
awhile back that uses the IVO Magnum (66" 3-blade) on an IO360
he gets 245mph at full throttle 500 feet off the deck impressing the natives
in Sanibel, FL. That is a factory stock prop, BTW. The Magnum has had a
different shape at the root than the rest of their line for several years
I read that in the archives, but it's still only one prop, to about 6 that
don't seem to work well. If I'm not mistaken, the prop that Tracy tested
was also a Magnum, and it was draggy at high speeds. I've also read of a
few canard types that seem to work well with the IVO, but I suspect they're
hiding a good portion of the root of their blades behind the fuselage.
I'll have to make a decision on a prop before too long, and I'll be looking
hard again. My intention is to get at least a ground adjustable, since I
don't know what RPM I really want to run at yet.
13B powered RV-3 (experimental aircraft)...Be Afraid :-)
1993 RX-7 R1... Mods underway, tickets to follow