Mailing List Message #7739
From: John Slade <>
Subject: RE: [FlyRotary] Re: Injector testing
Date: Sun, 2 May 2004 16:46:40 -0400
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
 > I cant get it to run well with any mixture setting (using manual adjustment). 
I discovered what might be the solution for my rough / over rich running. I clicked the overall mixture down a couple of notches in mode 3, and now it starts right up first turn and runs much better.
And, for turbo people - I discovered a new, fairly benign, failure mode....
What happens when the intercooler air feed blows off at 300ft on climb out? I can tell you. The engine runs at 2500 rpm and wont go any higher. You level off at 400 ft, do a quick return to the field, cut off a Cherokee on downwind, turn a tight base and dump her back down. No problem. Underware intact. Gotta get a better fit for those turbo pipes!
John Slade (turbo runs just fine when connected. Thanks, Rusty).
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