Mailing List Message #7728
From: Dale Rogers <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] John Slade's new site
Date: Sat, 1 May 2004 21:39:37 -0400
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>

> From: Jim Brewer <>
>Hey John,
>Like your new site.....except.....I use Opera and your old site worked fine but your new one is garbled >text.......will you fix it? Please! I hate being a slave to the masses and Microsoft. Thanks


   You might want to consider Mozilla; it runs on just about
anything (even VMS) and handles the CanardAviation site just fine - and it's FREE.

Dale R.
COZY MkIV-R #1254


Jim Brewer

Hey John,

Like your new site.....except.....I use Opera and your old site worked fine but your new one is garbled text.......will you fix it? Please! I hate being a slave to the masses and Microsoft. Thanks


Jim Brewer

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