Others know more about this than me, but the ‘flywheel/starter ring gear’ was typically the RX7 2nd gen auto transmission version, not the MT version, IIRC. Other racing type AL flywheels and such have also been adapted. Tracy of RWS has been using a psru version without any dampners at all lately, but I’ve never seen how it was made/connected vs the dampner system. What version of the RWS PSRU do you have? At least 3 were made. I am not sure where you could get a separate dampner assembly except to machine one yourself, if you can get the specs. The rubber doughnut isolator specs are also in flux because the original/revised versions have become ‘unobtainable’ to my knowledge, unless made yourself as well.
Hope you get better info than this soon from the group.
From: Rotary motors in aircraft
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2024 11:41 AM
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <flyrotary@lancaironline.net>
Subject: [FlyRotary] RWS Ring Drive & Damper
New to the group, but longtime advocate and study of the rotary engine in Aviation.
I am building and RV-4 and thought I had a complete RWS redrive assembly.
Turns out I am missing the flywheel or ring gear and damper assembly that connects the redrive to the motor.
Does anyone have a spare? Or know how to fabricate this piece.
David Walker