I had that happen when I first tried to start my 13b. It was caused by electric noise on the power lead to the computer. I had gotten power from the starter for my computer and the electric noise from the electric motor goofed up the computer. I moved my power lead back to the master switch on the battery, clean electricity and the plugs worked.
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I’m attempting to get to the point where I can perform my first engine run, and got all four injectors “clicking” now after changing two out and redoing control switch wiring (I really like the “primer” feature that Tracy added!). Tonight I cranked the engine over with plugs hooked up on LS-1 coils and grounded to the engine, and sadly none of those wold fire. I had hoped at least a couple would, but that was not to be. I have power a good ground to the GM connect that feeds the coils, so was wondering if any have any additional troubleshooting steps I can employ, in hopes to getting the plugs to fire?