Did attend the Memphis rotary event, seems like there were not as many of us flying rotaries at that time. I recall Tracy,Kelly and Charlie were there as was I, but memory fails me as to others. I do recall Herb being a very gracious host and enjoy talking with him at his home. Sorry to hear he went west. To the best of my knowledge he never flew his Velocity as rotary powered.
Yes, my first engine-out occurred on the way back from Memphis alone the North Alabama and South Tennessee boarder - not the best place. But did manage to glide 12 miles to a safe on-airport landing. Also verified the RV-6A had a least a 10:1 glide ratio - all of the 12 miles were downwind, so that helped.
------ Original Message ------
Sent: 11/14/2021 6:19:17 PM
Subject: [FlyRotary] Herb Sanders
Just noticed hos name in Gone West in Sports
Name looked familiar but have to admit I don't remember his
rotary story.
Anyone care to comment?