Posted for ronald GOWAN <rongowan@yahoo.com>:
Hi rotary aviators, I may have some great news! Yesterday I e-mailed Guy Marcotte and got a reply from
him right away. When I got home there was a message
on my answering machine from him. I called him and
talked for quite some time. It sounds like he is back
in business! He said his units go for under $3,000
dollars! His design is simular to that of Power Sport
that goes for $6500. I asked him how he could do it
for less than half price. He said the US dollar is
good in Canada and if he were building these PSRUs
here in the US he would have to charge twice as much. It sounds to me that he is very sincere in delivering
a quality PSRU for auto engine conversions. Marcotte
or a rep plans to be at Lakeland next year with their
PSRU. I plan to put my order in then and get my Long
EZ back where she belongs. In the air! Ron