Mailing List Message #62195
From: Jeff Whaley <>
Subject: RE: Ground testing
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2015 19:23:05 +0000
To: steve Izett <>
Hi Steve, every installation is different; however, I can post my numbers and methods.
First, I have excessive oil cooling (2 coolers in bug-eyes) and marginal water jacket cooling (1 radiator angled below engine).
With this setup I can run almost indefinitely when stationary from 2000 to 3000 rpm, this range expands a lot if taxiing.
My tuning method was to tie aircraft to trailer hitch on my SUV then following the EC2 Manual:
1) Mode 3: Slowly increase power to 24" MP and set fuel-flow for mid O2 sensor reading.
2) Mode 2: Slowly reduce to idle then adjust idle for mid O2 sensor reading.
3) Mode 1: Increase power to just UNDER Staging - adjust this BIN value.
4) Mode 1: Increase power to just OVER Staging - adjust this BIN value.
5) Mode 1: Increase power to WOT - adjust this BIN value.
6) Read/Record EC2 MP Table - manually adjust BIN values between steps 2 & 3 for smooth transition.
7) Read/Record EC2 MP Table - manually adjust BIN values between steps 4 & 5 for smooth transition.
8) Repeat steps 2 to 7 until comfortable.
9) Fly the airplane and use mixture control to adjust any anomalies.
10) When comfortable, fly the airplane and use Mode 9 to tune out anomalies.
11) Repeat steps 2 to 10 until satisfied.

-----Original Message-----
From: steve Izett []
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 10:06 PM
Subject: Ground testing

Hi Guys
For those who have tested and flying their machines.
I’m finally about to ground(stationary) test our Renesis 4 port powered Glassier Super IIRG EC2, EM3, RD1-C Electrical Pitch Prop.

Your wisdom, experiences, testing procedures to carry out would be very much appreciated.

Particularly whats reasonable to expect from my cooling system (modelled of Tracy’s RV8)?
Now I’m sure it depends upon load and OAT, but what where your experiences?
How long could you guys run before overheating etc?
Did you provide any supplemental cooling to extend this testing?
I’m thinking of putting a water mist jet into the cooling duct/s to see if it significantly increases cooling and time testing.

Appreciate you feedback.


Steve Izett

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