Mailing List Message #62191
From: Ernest Christley <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Ground testing
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2015 15:30:03 +0000 (UTC)
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
I eventually used an electric leaf blower to pull air through my duct.  I used cardboard box taped around my exit  with the blower inside. A hole for the blower to remove the hot air.  I was able to run indefinitely just off idle (2000 rpm)  with this setup.  I would eventually overheat either slower or faster, but I could return to that RPM and it would cool back down. 

Don't blow into you radiator.  The high force wind could damage it.  Also, the cardboard seal was important to make sure it was pulling air through the radiator, and not just from the ambient air near the exit.

On Tuesday, November 17, 2015 10:05 PM, steve Izett <> wrote:

Hi Guys
For those who have tested and flying their machines.
I’m finally about to ground(stationary) test our Renesis 4 port powered Glassier Super IIRG
EC2, EM3, RD1-C Electrical Pitch Prop.

Your wisdom, experiences, testing procedures to carry out would be very much appreciated.

Particularly whats reasonable to expect from my cooling system (modelled of Tracy’s RV8)?
Now I’m sure it depends upon load and OAT, but what where your experiences?
How long could you guys run before overheating etc?
Did you provide any supplemental cooling to extend this testing?
I’m thinking of putting a water mist jet into the cooling duct/s to see if it significantly increases cooling and time testing.

Appreciate you feedback.


Steve Izett

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