Mailing List Message #56558
From: Mark Steitle <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Update - oil pressure.
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2011 19:24:28 -0500
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>

Thanks for providing the group with a status report.  I, for one, have been wondering how you were progressing on your semi-rebuild.  I was wondering what you might find to account for the low oil pressure (don't know why I didn't think of the front cover o-ring).  Good find on that!  It all makes sense now, damaged thrust bearings, low oil pressure, etc.  One caveat; with the new thrust bearings, be sure to re-check your eccentric end-play. 

The weather is about to start cooling off (yes, its got to happen sooner or later), so test runs, ground runs, etc. should be easier on all the systems.  Keep us posted on your progress.

Mark S.

On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 5:52 PM, Chris Barber <> wrote:

To recap, I had lower oil pressure than I felt comfortable with even though the engine was running strong.  I tried to check/replace the pesky front housing o-ring while in the plane to bad resutls.


Apparantly what happened is that when I tried to replace the o-ring, the roller bearing slipped off its little lip and got a little chewed up in the minute or two I ran the engine to see if oil pressure was up.  Since pressure was not up, I decided to remove then engine and have a closer look.  When I did I found the bearing.  So, I tore down most the engine and had a closer look.  While apart I also replaced the front main bearing which was questionable and as y'all may recall, it was bad. 


Upon closer inspection I determined that my front housing was the later type that also needed the little plastic (silicone) o-ring support.  No, not really sure how I missed this as I was aware of the change but only had the o-ring installed


I have not been out at the hangar much this month (too many single women relying on me ;-)), however, I was able to flush the parts/system, replace the front bearing, both front roller bearings and o-ring and support ring (everything else looks really good) got it all together...again.... added fresh oil and filter and last night cranked her up.  She fired right up (gee, after several times doing this I am starting to get everything lined up and timed pretty well). 


Low and behold the oil pressure is the highest I have ever seen on my engine.  That makes sense since I was apparently forcing oil past the unsupported o-ring.  I did not go WOT, but only to about 5000 rpm, I think,  and I was getting to the high 80's PSI on a mechanical gage.  Finally.


Ok, tomorrow starts my weekend so now hopefully to button everything back up properly and maybe actually make some progress.



Houston EFD

Velocity N17010

13b turbo with Tracy's stuff

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