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From: Chris Barber <cbarber@texasattorney.net>
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <flyrotary@lancaironline.net>
Subject: Update - oil pressure.
Thread-Topic: Update - oil pressure.
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Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2011 22:52:55 +0000
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To recap, I had lower oil pressure than I felt comfortable with even though=
 the engine was running strong.  I tried to check/replace the pesky front h=
ousing o-ring while in the plane to bad resutls.

Apparantly what happened is that when I tried to replace the o-ring, the ro=
ller bearing slipped off its little lip and got a little chewed up in the m=
inute or two I ran the engine to see if oil pressure was up.  Since pressur=
e was not up, I decided to remove then engine and have a closer look.  When=
 I did I found the bearing.  So, I tore down most the engine and had a clos=
er look.  While apart I also replaced the front main bearing which was ques=
tionable and as y'all may recall, it was bad.

Upon closer inspection I determined that my front housing was the later typ=
e that also needed the little plastic (silicone) o-ring support.  No, not r=
eally sure how I missed this as I was aware of the change but only had the =
o-ring installed

I have not been out at the hangar much this month (too many single women re=
lying on me ;-)), however, I was able to flush the parts/system, replace th=
e front bearing, both front roller bearings and o-ring and support ring (ev=
erything else looks really good) got it all together...again.... added fres=
h oil and filter and last night cranked her up.  She fired right up (gee, a=
fter several times doing this I am starting to get everything lined up and =
timed pretty well).

Low and behold the oil pressure is the highest I have ever seen on my engin=
e.  That makes sense since I was apparently forcing oil past the unsupporte=
d o-ring.  I did not go WOT, but only to about 5000 rpm, I think,  and I wa=
s getting to the high 80's PSI on a mechanical gage.  Finally.

Ok, tomorrow starts my weekend so now hopefully to button everything back u=
p properly and maybe actually make some progress.


Houston EFD

Velocity N17010

13b turbo with Tracy's stuff

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<p>To recap, I had lower oil pressure than I felt comfortable with even tho=
ugh the engine was running strong.&nbsp; I tried to check/replace the pesky=
 front housing o-ring while in the plane to bad resutls<a></a><a></a><a></a=
<p><a></a><a></a><a></a>Apparantly&nbsp;what happened is that when I tried =
to replace the o-ring, the roller bearing slipped off its little lip and go=
t a little chewed up in the minute or two I ran the engine to see if oil pr=
essure was up.&nbsp; Since pressure was not
 up, I decided to remove then engine and have a closer look.&nbsp; When I d=
id I found the bearing.&nbsp; So, I tore down most the engine and had a clo=
ser look.&nbsp; While apart I also replaced the front main bearing which wa=
s&nbsp;questionable<a></a> and as y'all may recall,
 it was bad.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Upon closer inspection I determined that my front housing was the later =
type that also needed the little plastic (silicone<a></a>) o-ring support.&=
nbsp; No, not really sure how I missed this as I was aware of the change bu=
t only had the o-ring installed</p>
<p>I have not been out at the hangar much this month (too many single women=
 relying on me ;-)), however, I was able to flush the parts/system, replace=
 the front bearing, both front roller bearings and o-ring and support ring =
(everything else looks really good)
 got it all together...again....&nbsp;added fresh oil and filter and last n=
ight cranked her up.&nbsp; She fired right up (gee, after several times doi=
ng this I am starting to get&nbsp;everything<a></a> lined up and timed pret=
ty well).&nbsp;
<p>Low and behold the oil pressure is the&nbsp;highest<a></a> I have ever s=
een on my engine.&nbsp; That makes sense&nbsp;since I was&nbsp;apparently<a=
></a> forcing oil past the unsupported o-ring<a></a>. &nbsp;I did not go WO=
T<a></a><a></a><a></a>, but only to about 5000 rpm, I think,
 &nbsp;and I was getting to the high&nbsp;80's<a></a><a></a><a></a> PSI on =
a&nbsp;mechanical<a></a> gage.&nbsp; Finally.</p>
<p>Ok, tomorrow starts my weekend so now hopefully to button&nbsp;everythin=
g<a></a> back up properly and maybe actually make some progress.</p>
<p>Houston EFD<a></a><a></a><a></a></p>
<p>Velocity N17010<a></a><a></a><a></a></p>
<p><a></a><a></a><a></a>13b&nbsp;turbo with Tracy's stuff</p>
