Mailing List Message #55529
From: Charlie England <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: Test prop/club needed
Date: Sat, 02 Jul 2011 08:54:37 -0500
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
On 07/01/2011 11:30 PM, wrote:
That would definately meet my needs.
Brian Trubee

-----Original Message-----
From: Ernest Christley <>
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Sent: Fri, Jul 1, 2011 9:17 pm
Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: Test prop/club needed

On 06/30/2011 02:14 AM, Andrew Martin wrote: 
> Ernest, I thought the calculation for a test club was X section = > 1/15th of length, means a 90mm square should be 1350mm or 54” in your > language. mine is 90x1350mm calculated to absorb 190hp@2450rpm. do I > have this wrong, or do you have a more up to date equation? only > problem I can see with using a test club is needing supplemental air > for the heat exchangers or very short runs. 
> I used the attached spreadsheet. 

I took the calipers to my dyno-prop today. After the glass and micro, I have a cross section of 88mm all around. With my 3.18 gear reduction, it will only absorb 123Hp at 7000 RPM, according to the spreadsheet. 
The second page suggests having several bars. This one wasn't to hard to make, so I guess making a few more will be in my future. I need to get out to 100mm before I'll have a bar that the spreadsheet says will absorb over 180Hp. 
Brian, I'll be cutting this bar down to 52" (1320mm) tomorrow or Sunday. With a 2.85 reduction, 6500RPM will require 137Hp to spin the bar at 2281. 
Archive and UnSub: 

I've got a couple of cut-down props that were originally intended for 160 hp Lyc. RH rotation, 3/8" bolts, should fit Tracy's C gearbox. They were originally good for around 2200 rpm static; they'd be significantly higher now since they were cut down a lot.

If you want to use one, just let me know where to ship it.

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