The "supers" use various 6-cyl Continental or Lycoming engines like the IO-550 etc. They usually have give or take 285 h.p stock, but they are often over-reving for the race (like 2900 or 3000 RPM. They also make lots of speed mods to the airframe.
Worthy opponents..
David Leonard
Turbo Rotary RV-6 N4VY
On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 5:46 PM, Kelly Troyer
<> wrote:
What engines do the "Super 6" and "Super 8" have and what HP do you estimate they have ??...............
Kelly Troyer
"DYKE DELTA JD2" (Eventually)
"13B ROTARY"_ Engine
"MISTRAL"_Backplate/Oil Manifold
From: David Leonard <>Sent: Friday, July 1, 2011 4:28 PM
Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: [Bulk] [FlyRotary] Re: GSL393/74028 Fuel Pump Replacement/Fuel Leak
For my fastest lap (217mph) I was at 40" MAP and 6900 RPM. Fuel flow was around 30 gph (extra rich) and I am guessing around 240 hp based on performance relative to the super-six that was running the course at the same time. He was doing around 235mph best lap but has shorter wings than I do.
I do have an intercooler, but the manifold temps were up around 55C so I decided not to push the boost or de-rich any further (still not at WOT). Coolant was 80-90C and oil was 80-85C (I set redline at 90C for both to be conservative). If I get the water injection installed before Sept. I might be able to go as high as 50" and leaned for best power.. maybe 300hp?? Might also include a spray bar for the water, it can get hot in Reno in Sept. Not sure if water injection will also help bring down my coolant and oil temps. I am guessing no, because any cooling of the intake air will be offset by the leaner mixtures.
I love the all-around abilities of the RV, but it really does not belong at Reno. My IAS (upper 180's KIAS) was above Vans Vne (184 KIAS, but I have tested mine to 205 KIAS with TAS being somewhat higher), not sure I want to go much faster... Ah, who am I kidding, of course I do. As long as other RV's are going faster than me... Steve Senegal was doing about 230mph in his Super-8 with full length wings... Must... Catch... Steve...
David Leonard
Turbo Rotary RV-6 N4VY
David: How much boost and how HP you making with 13B Turbo. Are you intercooled? What kind of temps were you seeing running WO?
Tom Giddings
VP Avionics Sales
On Jul 1, 2011, at 3:39 PM, David Leonard wrote:
It will be difficult to burn more than about 20 gal per with a rotary. Maybe as much as 30 gal with a turbocharged 20b.
Bill B
I was seeing upwards of 30 gph with my turbo 13B while running the pylons at Reno. That would be about 45gph with a turbo 20B. Course I was running really rich to be sure I avoided detonation.. Am trying to design a water injection system to use more boost and run a little leaner.