X-Virus-Scanned: clean according to Sophos on Logan.com Return-Path: Received: from mail-wy0-f180.google.com ([] verified) by logan.com (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 5.4c3j) with ESMTPS id 4962290 for flyrotary@lancaironline.net; Fri, 29 Apr 2011 21:25:11 -0400 Received-SPF: pass receiver=logan.com; client-ip=; envelope-from=rwstracy@gmail.com Received: by wyj26 with SMTP id 26so3229036wyj.25 for ; Fri, 29 Apr 2011 18:24:34 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=gamma; h=domainkey-signature:mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date :message-id:subject:from:to:content-type; bh=rT464NKNrQzhvfO86rm0i1u9Lm99YfN+fJvzRNotduE=; b=CK8kaar7Ofr2lXf7hxUc2rQKhvejLppao0jv/eIDDPGaaMvqUiNIK2bEtFxtuifJ8L kUtLCFeDpOQ6htIRk8NnPYTMvaw74d/ReZxotPexTwGg3vSzwt+NWaz6AZx1Fogs2oBr ziE0m4hz07fS2LTBL+1nJSb6IUsXwlKodQlww= DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws; d=gmail.com; s=gamma; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date:message-id:subject:from:to :content-type; b=HAATAiEIz4J7aHiGO4WtNMyfCLJhmCO2le2cSFvRekIohSDR+SnR+reOh6fo8HsSAt r9VBnW9arB2Bmfp6WSWEatvo8Wj44bZ+cQBR5bqRMqOTcAOwkI1/7W7gLVDT+HC9XFKN pWEKOueBLV2vEZixLkByICQFrmTMMBJbctJgI= MIME-Version: 1.0 Received: by with SMTP id h11mr500814wee.77.1304126674620; Fri, 29 Apr 2011 18:24:34 -0700 (PDT) Received: by with HTTP; Fri, 29 Apr 2011 18:24:34 -0700 (PDT) In-Reply-To: References: Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2011 21:24:34 -0400 Message-ID: Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: Back-plate Photos From: Tracy To: Rotary motors in aircraft Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=000e0ce0d1202ed1e804a218a760 --000e0ce0d1202ed1e804a218a760 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Tracy, I have a couple of questions for you about your RV4 Renesis engine.................Are you using the stock Renesis ignition sensor and is it mounted mounted on the Renesis front cover mounting ??..............When the Renesis trigger wheel and sensor are in the stock position what is the engine timed at (BTDC) before any computer (stock and/or EC2-3) correction (static timing) ??.......... Thanks, Kelly Troyer Yes, my Renesis has the stock crank position sensor in stock location. I may not understand your timing question Kelly but there simply is no correlation between the crank position sensor timing and any ignition timing. The computer is just getting an arbitrary (but well defined) crank position from the sensor & trigger wheel. It can make the timing anything it wanted to with that information. Without the computer there can be no such thing as static ignition timing with a trigger pattern from the RX-8 setup. Tracy On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 12:56 PM, Kelly Troyer wrote: > Tracy, > > I have a couple of questions for you about your RV4 Renesis > engine.................Are you using the stock Renesis ignition sensor > and is it mounted mounted on the Renesis front cover > mounting ??..............When the Renesis trigger wheel and sensor are in > the > stock position what is the engine timed at (BTDC) before any computer > (stock and/or EC2-3) correction (static timing) ??.......... > > Thanks, > > > Kelly Troyer > *"DYKE DELTA JD2" (Eventually)* > > "13B ROTARY"_ Engine > "RWS"_RD1C/EC2/EM2 > "MISTRAL"_Backplate/Oil Manifold > > "TURBONETICS"_TO4E50 Turbo > > > ------------------------------ > *From:* Kelly Troyer > *To:* Rotary motors in aircraft > *Sent:* Fri, April 29, 2011 10:35:51 AM > *Subject:* [FlyRotary] Re: Back-plate Photos > > > Jarrett, > > Another notated photo.................(Would help if I attached the > photo)....................<:) > > Kelly Troyer > *"DYKE DELTA JD2" (Eventually)* > > "13B ROTARY"_ Engine > "RWS"_RD1C/EC2/EM2 > "MISTRAL"_Backplate/Oil Manifold > > "TURBONETICS"_TO4E50 Turbo > > > ------------------------------ > *From:* Kelly Troyer > *To:* Rotary motors in aircraft > *Sent:* Fri, April 29, 2011 10:10:24 AM > *Subject:* [FlyRotary] Back-plate Photos > > Jarrett, > > Finally have a few photos of the Mistral back-plate and will send one > at a time > as I get pertinent notation added..................... > > > Kelly Troyer > *"DYKE DELTA JD2" (Eventually)* > > "13B ROTARY"_ Engine > "RWS"_RD1C/EC2/EM2 > "MISTRAL"_Backplate/Oil Manifold > > "TURBONETICS"_TO4E50 Turbo > > -- > Homepage: http://www.flyrotary.com/ > Archive and UnSub: > http://mail.lancaironline.net:81/lists/flyrotary/List.html > > --000e0ce0d1202ed1e804a218a760 Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
=A0=A0=A0 I have a couple of=A0questions=A0for you about your RV4 Rene= sis=20 engine.................Are you using the stock Renesis ignition sensor
=A0and is it mounted mounted on the Renesis front cover=20 mounting=A0??..............When the Renesis trigger wheel and sensor are=20 in the
=A0stock position what is the engine timed at (BTDC) before any=20 computer (stock and/or EC2-3) correction (static timing) ??..........
Kelly Troyer

Yes, my Renesis has the stock crank position sensor in = stock location.

I may not understand your timing question Kelly but = there simply is no correlation between the crank position sensor timing and= any ignition timing. =A0 The computer is just getting an arbitrary (but we= ll defined) crank position from the sensor & trigger wheel.=A0 It can m= ake the timing anything it wanted to with that information.=A0 Without the = computer there can be no such thing as static ignition timing with a trigge= r pattern from the RX-8 setup.



On Fri, Apr 29, 2011= at 12:56 PM, Kelly Troyer <keltro@att.net> wrote:
=A0=A0=A0 I have a couple of=A0questions=A0for you about your RV4 Rene= sis engine.................Are you using the stock Renesis ignition sensor<= /div>
=A0and is it mounted mounted on the Renesis front cover mounting=A0??.= .............When the Renesis trigger wheel and sensor are in the
=A0stock position what is the engine timed at (BTDC) before any comput= er (stock and/or EC2-3) correction (static timing) ??..........

Kelly Troyer
"DYKE DELTA JD2" (Eventually)

"13B ROTARY"_ Engine
"= MISTRAL"_Backplate/Oil Manifold


From: Kelly Troyer <keltro@att.net>
To: Rotary motors in aircraft = <flyrot= ary@lancaironline.net>
Sent: Fri, April 29, 2= 011 10:35:51 AM
Subject: = [FlyRotary] Re: Back-plate Photos

=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 Another notated photo.................(Would help if I= attached the photo)....................<:)=A0

Kelly Troyer
"DYKE DELTA JD2" (Eventually)

"13B ROTARY"_ Engine
"= MISTRAL"_Backplate/Oil Manifold


From: Kelly Troyer <keltro@att.net>
To: Rotary motors in aircraft = <flyrot= ary@lancaironline.net>
Sent: Fri, April 29, 2011 10= :10:24 AM
Subject: [FlyRo= tary] Back-plate Photos

=A0=A0=A0=A0 Finally have a few photos of the=A0Mistral back-plate and= will send one at a time
as I get pertinent notation added.....................

Kelly Troyer
"DYKE DELTA JD2" (Eventually)

"13B ROTARY"_ Engine
"= MISTRAL"_Backplate/Oil Manifold


Homepage: =A0http:/= /www.flyrotary.com/
Archive and UnSub: =A0 http://mail.lancaironline.net:81/lists= /flyrotary/List.html
