Really! Adam must have changed his tune because that is about 180
degrees from what he told me.
In fact, I wasn’t even considering Ceramic Apex Seals until after I talked
with him.
T Mann
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 7:29 PM
Subject: SPAM-LOW: [FlyRotary] Re: Ceramic Apex Seals....curiosity
what it's worth, I called Adam at and had a half
hour discussion with him about things. He was remarkably open about
putting it in an aircraft (a lot of other places won't give you the time of day
if they hear "aircraft" as I'm sure some of you know). I said that for an
aircraft he wouldn't put in ceramics because they're more there for super-high
stress situations like drag racing, but for an aircraft the cost:benefit ratio
isn't there. Plus, he's not 100% convinced on the