My Mazda 13B powered 2+2 finally got out of the circuit this past weekend. It was only a 25 mile ferry flight to transfer the airplane from one base to another but a big milestone none the less. The airplane was moved to my instructor’s airport to facilitate training – I need tail-wheel transitioning. We flew over 4 lane highways, 2 lane highways and secondary roads to be as safe as possible but were restricted to 2500’ AGL because I don’t have a Mode C transponder yet. The flight was without incident; the engine purred along at 5500 rpm all the way except for the “arrive-in-style” high speed pass and climb out at 6500 rpm that my instructor/pilot (he’s Pitt’s Aerobatic Instructor-endorsed) performed – that put a smile on my face! J.
The engine is still running cold (W-155F, O-110F); but we both figured it best to leave well enough alone until after we return to local operations. I have restrictor plates made up for the oil cooler inlets and will insert them 1 at a time to increase the operating temperatures on next flights – will keep you all posted as to how this plays out.
Jeff (happy, happy)