Will be there Mon. & Tue. possible Wed., camping on site. David R. Cook RV6A Rotary,, Lansing, MI.....517-290-0969 cell
Sounds great Ben, see you there.
Bill Schertz
KIS Cruiser #4045
Phase I testing
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ben Schneider" <
To: "Rotary motors in aircraft" <
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 10:27 AM
Subject: [FlyRotary] How about something more informal at OSH.
> Fellows,
> How about something a little less formal at OSH. Lets just agree to meet
> in front of (runway side / east side) of the homebuilders headquarters
> everyday at 11:00AM. Those that can make it great, and if not, well, your
> loss. ;)
> Some days there may be many, some not so many. But at least it would give
> a chance to put a face with the names, and a little time to chat with
> others that are into rotaries.
> Perhaps those could wear some sort of rotary identifying mark; shirt,
> button, rotor shaped foam hat (if you have one) etc... would help
> identification.
> I will be there Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 11:00AM. Hope to meet
> some of you.
> Ben Schneider
> --
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