Doug, Tracy can best respond, but from what I saw
the engine compartment looked done. There was still some electrical wiring to
do and I believe the ailerons and aileron control rods still remained to be
installed. I'm sure that the 90% complete is similar to many – only 90% left
to do. That's the trouble when you are 90% complete, folks come by several
months later and comment "must'a not been working on it – looks the same as
last time {:>)" Right Tracy????
Yep, that's pretty much the way it is. Theoretically it's all done
except for painting the cowl (which is already fitted) and some of the
other fiberglass pieces and plumbing the fuel system but unexpected
last minute details can take weeks.
Current example:
I decided that I wanted the optional aileron trim system so I ordered
the kit (cheap - $60) from Van's. Rats, its stock location interferes with
the BlueMountain auto-pilot servo (which took 2 weeks to layout and
install so it ain't going to move. Had to redesign several details of
the trim system. Poof - 2 precious weeks burned up.
Now I'm ready to start where I left off, installing the gear leg
intersection fairings. The plane is turning out better than expected
so the crude fairings I made 3 years ago stick out like sore thumbs.
If I put them on I know I'll never change them so I'll have to make
better ones. I foresee 2 more weeks burned up on these small pieces.
And so it goes.