Mailing List Message #44169
From: sboese <>
Subject: RE: [FlyRotary] Prop Maintenance
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 16:22:01 -0600
To: 'Rotary motors in aircraft' <>



There is a video on Propeller Field Repair in the hints for homebuilders section on the EAA website.  It appears to have an easy and well proven method to make repairs like you may need.


Steve Boese



-----Original Message-----
From: Rotary motors in aircraft [] On Behalf Of Bill Eslick
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 1:34 PM
To: Rotary motors in aircraft
Subject: [FlyRotary] Prop Maintenance


Let me throw this out for comment:

My wood prop has rain-induced pits in the outer 3 to 4 inches of the fiberglass leading edge.  (Something about going to Florida.................)

Previous encounters of the aerial aqua variety have simply stripped the paint off.  This time I have actual pitting.

SOMEONE suggested a thin coating of JB Weld (thinned with alcohol????), then sand and paint.

Anyone have a better idea?

Bill Eslick

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