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Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 07:34:01 -0500
From: "Mark Steitle" <msteitle@gmail.com>
To: "Rotary motors in aircraft" <flyrotary@lancaironline.net>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: 20B Update from Mark?
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I may just take you up on that one Chris.  I'll know more when it gets a
little closer to October.


On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 12:47 AM, Christopher Barber <
CBarber@texasattorney.net> wrote:

>  Mark,
> Please let me know when you are in Galveston, it is only about 30 minutes
> away from me.  Of course, you are welcome up at Ellington (EFD) as well.
> Rocket Scientist and Astronauts do frequent the area <g>
> I may have my fuel strake issue resolved by then and be ready to fire up
> the new 'ol 13B again.
> All the best,
> Chris Barber
> Houston
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Mark Steitle <msteitle@gmail.com>
> *To:* Rotary motors in aircraft <flyrotary@lancaironline.net>
> *Sent:* Monday, September 08, 2008 11:29 AM
> *Subject:* [FlyRotary] Re: 20B Update from Mark?
>  Hi Doug,
> Well, the Texas heat is still with us, but only in the upper 90's, not
> triple-digits.  We had about 50 days this summer in the triple-digit
> territory and I'll have to say that I gave out before my cooling system
> did.  Highest coolant temp I saw on the water was 220.  But with a 23# cap
> and running an ethlene-glycol mix, I felt ok.  I don't think I could say
> that if it went much higher.  Keep in mind that this is during climb out
> where I'm pushing it pretty hard.  Oil temps will sometimes hit 230, but
> that is after the first cooler.  The second cooler brings the temps down
> another 10-20*.  These are worst case readings, temps in cruise climb and
> cruise are lower, of course.  I measure water temps coming out of the engine
> and again after the radiator, and oil temps after the oil/air exchanger and
> again after the oil/water exchanger.  Overkill, but I had the extra
> channels, so I used them for this.
> All in all, I'm happy with my cooling system and don't plan on making any
> changes.  It has more reserve than me or my pax.  I have noticed a lot of
> buildup on the radiator fins (not bugs).  That can't help the temps any.  I
> need to keep an eye on that.
> One addition that I may consider before next summer is to add water spray
> to the main radiator to use if things start to get out of hand.  A quart
> reservoir would probably be sufficient.
> The only other issues has been a small but nagging oil leak, and tuning the
> EC-2.  I finally figured out that I had a wiring error on the EC-2 PCM
> (Programming Control Module), which prevented the auto-tune feature from
> working, and a defective PCM.  Having corrected both of those, I am
> still working with Tracy to try and figure out why the EC-2 MAP table gets
> corrupted mysteriously and without warning.  I'll post something for the
> group after we find and fix the problem.  This only seems to be a problem
> with fiberglass a/c, so you RV types have nothing to worry about.
> I've burned the packing out of the Hushpower II muffler many hours ago.
> It had been nice an quiet... for the first 30 minutes.  Not sure if there is
> an answer for that one unless I want to install a turbo-charger.
> The real "jewel" has been the c/s prop.  This allows me to cruise at around
> 10.6 gph at 4200-4500 rpm, 153 TAS.  Until recently, I had been cruising at
> 5200 rpm, burning 14-15 gph.  Speeds are about the same.  Keep in mind that
> I normally fly at 3500-5500 msl.  I anticipate lower fuel burn at higher
> altitudes.  I'm planning a trip to Galveston in October and I can try out
> this theory then.
> Mark
> On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 10:15 AM, <DLOMHEIM@aol.com> wrote:
>>  Howdy Mark...the majority of the nasty high temperature days should be
>> over in your neck of the woods now so I was wondering how your cooling
>> faired this summer, etc.?  Have you pretty much gotten any "bugs" worked out
>> of your installation so it has basically become more automotive like (a
>> simple turn key operation)?
>> Thanks for the update.
>> Doug Lomheim
>> RV-9A / 13B
>>  ------------------------------
>> Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the
>> latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com<http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014>
>> .

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: inline

<div dir=3D"ltr"><div>I may just take you up on that one Chris.&nbsp; I&#39=
;ll know more when it gets a little closer to October.&nbsp;</div>
<div class=3D"gmail_quote">On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 12:47 AM, Christopher Bar=
ber <span dir=3D"ltr">&lt;<a href=3D"mailto:CBarber@texasattorney.net">CBar=
ber@texasattorney.net</a>&gt;</span> wrote:<br>
<blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"PADDING-LEFT: 1ex; MARGIN: 0px 0=
px 0px 0.8ex; BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid">
<div bgcolor=3D"#ffffff">
<div><font face=3D"Arial" size=3D"2">Mark, </font></div>
<div><font face=3D"Arial" size=3D"2"></font>&nbsp;</div>
<div><font face=3D"Arial" size=3D"2">Please let me know when you are in Gal=
veston, it is only about 30 minutes away from me.&nbsp; Of course, you are =
welcome up at Ellington (EFD) as well.&nbsp; Rocket Scientist and Astronaut=
s do frequent the area &lt;g&gt;</font></div>

<div><font face=3D"Arial" size=3D"2"></font>&nbsp;</div>
<div><font face=3D"Arial" size=3D"2">I may have my fuel strake issue resolv=
ed by then and be ready to fire up the new &#39;ol 13B again.</font></div>
<div><font face=3D"Arial" size=3D"2"></font>&nbsp;</div>
<div><font face=3D"Arial" size=3D"2">All the best,</font></div>
<div><font face=3D"Arial" size=3D"2"></font>&nbsp;</div>
<div><font face=3D"Arial" size=3D"2">Chris Barber</font></div>
<div><font face=3D"Arial" size=3D"2">Houston</font></div>
<blockquote dir=3D"ltr" style=3D"PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MAR=
GIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
<div style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial">----- Original Message ----- </div>
<div style=3D"BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt arial"><b>From:</b> <a title=
=3D"msteitle@gmail.com" href=3D"mailto:msteitle@gmail.com" target=3D"_blank=
">Mark Steitle</a> </div>
<div style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><b>To:</b> <a title=3D"flyrotary@lancaironl=
ine.net" href=3D"mailto:flyrotary@lancaironline.net" target=3D"_blank">Rota=
ry motors in aircraft</a> </div>
<div style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><b>Sent:</b> Monday, September 08, 2008 11:=
29 AM</div>
<div style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><b>Subject:</b> [FlyRotary] Re: 20B Update =
from Mark?</div>
<div dir=3D"ltr">
<div>Hi Doug,</div>
<div>Well, the Texas heat is still with us, but only in the upper 90&#39;s,=
&nbsp;not triple-digits.&nbsp; We had about 50 days this summer in the trip=
le-digit territory and I&#39;ll have to say that I gave out before my cooli=
ng system did.&nbsp; Highest coolant temp I saw on the water was 220.&nbsp;=
 But with a 23# cap and running an ethlene-glycol mix, I felt ok.&nbsp;&nbs=
p;I don&#39;t think I could say that if it went much higher.&nbsp; Keep in =
mind that this is during climb out where I&#39;m pushing it pretty hard.&nb=
sp; Oil temps will sometimes hit 230, but that is after the first cooler.&n=
bsp; The second cooler brings the temps down another 10-20*.&nbsp;&nbsp;The=
se are worst case readings, temps in cruise climb and cruise&nbsp;are lower=
, of course.&nbsp;&nbsp;I measure water temps coming out of the engine and =
again after the radiator, and oil temps after the oil/air exchanger and aga=
in after the oil/water exchanger.&nbsp; Overkill, but I had the extra chann=
els, so I used them&nbsp;for this.&nbsp; </div>

<div>All in all, I&#39;m happy with my cooling system and don&#39;t plan on=
 making any changes.&nbsp; It has more reserve than me or my pax.&nbsp; I h=
ave noticed a lot of buildup on the radiator fins (not bugs).&nbsp; That ca=
n&#39;t help the temps any.&nbsp; I need to keep an eye on that.</div>

<div>One addition that I may consider before next summer is to add water sp=
ray to the main radiator to use if things start to get out of hand.&nbsp; A=
 quart reservoir would probably be sufficient. </div>
<div>The only other issues has been a small but nagging oil leak, and tunin=
g the EC-2.&nbsp; I finally figured out that I had&nbsp;a wiring error on t=
he EC-2 PCM (Programming Control Module), which prevented the auto-tune fea=
ture from working, and&nbsp;a defective PCM.&nbsp; Having&nbsp;corrected bo=
th of those, I am still&nbsp;working with Tracy to try and figure out why t=
he EC-2 MAP table&nbsp;gets corrupted mysteriously and without warning.&nbs=
p; I&#39;ll post something for the group after we find and fix the problem.=
&nbsp; This only seems to be a problem with fiberglass a/c, so you RV types=
 have nothing to worry about.</div>

<div>I&#39;ve burned the packing out of the Hushpower II muffler many hours=
 ago.&nbsp; It&nbsp;had been&nbsp;nice an quiet... for the first 30 minutes=
.&nbsp; Not sure if there is an answer for that one unless I want to instal=
l a turbo-charger.</div>

<div>The real &quot;jewel&quot; has been the c/s prop.&nbsp; This allows me=
 to cruise at around 10.6 gph at 4200-4500 rpm, 153 TAS.&nbsp; Until recent=
ly, I had been cruising at 5200 rpm, burning 14-15 gph.&nbsp; Speeds are ab=
out the same.&nbsp; Keep in mind that I normally fly at 3500-5500 msl.&nbsp=
; I anticipate&nbsp;lower fuel burn at higher altitudes.&nbsp; I&#39;m plan=
ning a trip to Galveston in October and I can try out this theory then.</di=

<div class=3D"gmail_quote">On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 10:15 AM, <span dir=3D"lt=
r">&lt;<a href=3D"mailto:DLOMHEIM@aol.com" target=3D"_blank">DLOMHEIM@aol.c=
om</a>&gt;</span> wrote:<br>
<blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"PADDING-LEFT: 1ex; MARGIN: 0px 0=
px 0px 0.8ex; BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid">
<div style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"><font fa=
ce=3D"Arial" color=3D"#000000" size=3D"2">
<div>Howdy Mark...the majority of the nasty high temperature days should be=
 over in your neck of the woods now so I&nbsp;was wondering how your coolin=
g faired this summer, etc.?&nbsp; Have you pretty much gotten&nbsp;any&nbsp=
;&quot;bugs&quot; worked out of your installation so it has basically becom=
e more automotive like&nbsp;(a simple turn key operation)?</div>

<div>Thanks for the update.</div>
<div>Doug Lomheim</div>
<div>RV-9A / 13B</div>
<div><font style=3D"FONT: 10pt ARIAL, SAN-SERIF; COLOR: black">
<hr style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 10px">
Psssst...Have you heard the news? <a title=3D"http://www.stylelist.com/tren=
ds?ncid=3Daolsty00050000000014" href=3D"http://www.stylelist.com/trends?nci=
d=3Daolsty00050000000014" target=3D"_blank">There&#39;s a new fashion blog,=
 plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com</a>.</font></=
