X-Virus-Scanned: clean according to Sophos on Logan.com Return-Path: Received: from ispmxmta09-srv.windstream.net ([] verified) by logan.com (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 5.2.3) with ESMTP id 2923898 for flyrotary@lancaironline.net; Thu, 15 May 2008 17:27:50 -0400 Received-SPF: pass receiver=logan.com; client-ip=; envelope-from=trpeters@alltel.net Received: from ispmxaamta05-gx.windstream.net ([]) by ispmxmta09-srv.windstream.net with ESMTP id <20080515212711.RVDI6512.ispmxmta09-srv.windstream.net@ispmxaamta05-gx.windstream.net> for ; Thu, 15 May 2008 16:27:11 -0500 Received: from GLFHXD1SHAW ([]) by ispmxaamta05-gx.windstream.net with SMTP id <20080515212711.PKPB6487.ispmxaamta05-gx.windstream.net@GLFHXD1SHAW> for ; Thu, 15 May 2008 16:27:11 -0500 Message-ID: <000201c8b6d2$6e5dd650$6400a8c0@shaw.shawinc.com> From: "Timothy Peters" To: "Rotary motors in aircraft" References: Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: Oil thoughts Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 08:46:22 -0400 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0009_01C8B668.26A8A660" X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.3138 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.3198 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C8B668.26A8A660 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Whoops... I'm usually just a lurker, but I can't let that one go. ;-) If you look at the financial statements for Exxon (just to pick on the = most common name taken in vain), you will see that they drill roughly = 20% of the crude oil they use. The rest they buy. Now this crude oil = is valuable. About $126 a barrel on the open market the last time I = checked. =20 However when you look at the refining operations, Exxon is loosing big = money ($3 billion 2 quarters back, although I haven't looked at the = actual refining loss for last quarter.) That's right... the big evil = oil company is actually subsidizing the cost of gasoline in the U.S. Heck, if I was the evil bastard running Exxon, I would sell everything I = drilled to China and pocket the extra money. Profits would be way up! =20 Timothy (doesn't know when to shut up) Peters aka MarbleTurtle Dalton, GA. =20 ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Mike Wills=20 To: Rotary motors in aircraft=20 Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 8:57 PM Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: Oil thoughts Not sure I agree with anything you said without a lot of research to = check your facts. One thing is certain - I disagree with your last = paragraph. While I dont put a whole lot of faith in politicians I put = less in the big oil companies. The profits these guys are reporting = while single handedly wrecking the economy are disgraceful. Lets not = jail them - lets prosecute them for raping our economy. Thats just my opinion. Now can we go back to discussing something = less depressing? Mike Wills RV-4 N144MW ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Lehanover@aol.com=20 To: Rotary motors in aircraft=20 Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 7:52 AM Subject: [FlyRotary] Oil thoughts Since we are sitting on a 600 year supply of oil in the US, I wonder = why we are still looking at biofuels as a source for anything? We know = how to pump oil out of the ground, we are now equipped to do just that.=20 Canada is 99.9% unexplored. The US is 98% unexplored. There may be a = 60 year supply just in ANWR.=20 Less than 1% of the US population can find ANWR on a map. Fewer know = that ANWR is an acronym. =20 A smaller number will ever see it. None of the West coast waters has = been explored, None of the East coast waters have been explored. The = gulf is only partially explored and the last test well indicates up to = 15 billion barrels may be available at just that one dome. The Chinese = are drilling in the gulf. They are not stupid, and they don't need any = permission from us to drill. What sane person would suggest that we take = off in a new direction looking for an oil substitute?=20 All of the alliterative energy sources in our future, are just pie = in the sky when it comes to replacing oil. If all of the future hopes from 10 years ago had been put on line, = they still wouldn't add up to 1% of the picture. Its going to be oil for = the next 30 years at least, so we need to quit wishing in one hand and = listening to the tree huggers, and start passing out exploration = permits, and open all government owned lands for exploration. The permit = for building a new refinery should cost $100.00, and take a week to = process. There should be no permit required for exploration, with the = land owners permission. Then start cutting down the amount of oil that = can be imported each year until it is down to zero from the Moslem = controlled sources. Just one super tanker sunk in the strait of Hormuz = and the whole of the earth will be in deep dodo in less than 2 weeks. = And with a real shortage, and the armed forces getting first call you = won't have to worry about high prices, there won't be any oil for = recreational use at all. And then suggest that we make fuel out of feed grains, or any kind = of food? The number of independent truckers on the road is dropping = daily. Prices for everything will continue to climb. If there is no = additional payment for fuel the private truck owners cannot make a dime = with fuel over $4.00 a gallon. So their rigs are parked now.=20 Let the free market determine how much alcohol is used in motor = fuels. No price supports for corn for ethanol, ever, period. All food = stuffs, meat and poultry, many plastics, and motor fuels go up because = of the use of ethanol in fuels. The energy available in each gallon goes = down when ethanol is added. It takes more energy to make a gallon than = is in each gallon. Fuel milage goes down with ethanol. With pure ethanol = look for 30% less power, lower milage and more cost. =20 We should be importing oil only from sources we can trust. Mexico = and Canada are two of those.=20 Sending cash to the Mideast to be used against us is insane.=20 Two of the choices for president want to tax the oil companies for = windfall profits. This is shear genius, in the Wile E. Coyote sense of = the term. Where do we suppose that oil companies, or any company get = their profits? And what will these companies do to make up for profits = lost to the imbeciles in our Government?=20 Why $6.00 a gallon fuel will cover that my friends. That will be = $10.00 a gallon for low lead aviation fuel just for starters. But that just my opinion, and I could be wrong. Lynn E. Hanover -------------------------------------------------------------------------= --- Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family = favorites at AOL Food. ------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C8B668.26A8A660 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Whoops...  I'm usually just a lurker, but I can't let that one = go.  ;-)
If you look at the financial statements for Exxon (just to pick on = the most=20 common name taken in vain), you will see that they drill roughly 20% of = the=20 crude oil they use.  The rest they buy.  Now this crude oil is = valuable.  About $126 a barrel on the open market the last time I=20 checked. 
However when you look at the refining operations, Exxon is loosing = big=20 money ($3 billion 2 quarters back, although I haven't looked at the = actual refining loss for last quarter.)  That's right... the = big evil=20 oil company is actually subsidizing the cost of gasoline in the = U.S.
Heck, if I was the evil bastard running Exxon, I would sell = everything I=20 drilled to China and pocket the extra money.  Profits would be way=20 up! 
Timothy (doesn't know when to shut up) Peters
aka MarbleTurtle
Dalton, GA. 
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Mike = Wills
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 = 8:57 PM
Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: Oil=20 thoughts

Not sure I agree with anything you said without a lot of research = to=20 check your facts. One thing is certain - I disagree with your last = paragraph.=20 While I dont put a whole lot of faith in politicians I put less in the = big oil=20 companies. The profits these guys are reporting while single handedly = wrecking=20 the economy are disgraceful. Lets not jail them - lets prosecute them = for=20 raping our economy.
 Thats just my opinion. Now can we go back to discussing = something=20 less depressing?
Mike Wills
RV-4 N144MW
----- Original Message -----
From:=20 Lehanover@aol.com
To: Rotary motors in = aircraft=20
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 = 7:52=20 AM
Subject: [FlyRotary] Oil = thoughts

Since we are sitting on a 600 year supply of oil in the US, I = wonder=20 why we are still looking at biofuels as a source for anything? We = know how=20 to pump oil out of the ground, we are now equipped to do just that. =
Canada is 99.9% unexplored. The US is 98% unexplored. There may = be a 60=20 year supply just in ANWR.
Less than 1% of the US population can find ANWR on a map. Fewer = know=20 that ANWR is an acronym. 
A smaller number will ever see it. None of the West coast = waters has=20 been explored, None of the East coast waters have been explored. The = gulf is=20 only partially explored and the last test well indicates up to 15 = billion=20 barrels may be available at just that one dome. The Chinese are = drilling in=20 the gulf. They are not stupid, and they don't need any permission = from us to=20 drill. What sane person would suggest that we take off in a new = direction=20 looking for an oil substitute?
All of the alliterative energy sources in our future, are just = pie in=20 the sky when it comes to replacing oil.
If all of the future hopes from 10 years ago had been put on = line, they=20 still wouldn't add up to 1% of the picture. Its going to be oil for = the next=20 30 years at least, so we need to quit wishing in one hand and = listening to=20 the tree huggers, and start passing out exploration permits, and = open all=20 government owned lands for exploration. The permit for building a = new=20 refinery should cost $100.00, and take a week to process. There = should be no=20 permit required for exploration, with the land owners permission. = Then start=20 cutting down the amount of oil that can be imported each year until = it is=20 down to zero from the Moslem controlled sources. Just one super = tanker sunk=20 in the strait of Hormuz and the whole of the earth will be in deep = dodo in=20 less than 2 weeks. And with a real shortage, and the armed forces = getting=20 first call you won't have to worry about high prices, there won't be = any oil=20 for recreational use at all.
And then suggest that we make fuel out of feed grains, or any = kind of=20 food? The number of independent truckers on the road is dropping = daily.=20 Prices for everything will continue to climb. If there is no = additional=20 payment for fuel the private truck owners cannot make a dime with = fuel over=20 $4.00 a gallon. So their rigs are parked now.
Let the free market determine how much alcohol is used in motor = fuels.=20 No price supports for corn for ethanol, ever, period. All food = stuffs, meat=20 and poultry, many plastics, and motor fuels go up because of the use = of ethanol in fuels. The energy available in each gallon goes = down when=20 ethanol is added. It takes more energy to make a gallon than is in = each=20 gallon. Fuel milage goes down with ethanol. With pure ethanol look = for 30%=20 less power, lower milage and more cost.   
We should be importing oil only from sources we can trust. = Mexico and=20 Canada are two of those.
Sending cash to the Mideast to be used against us is insane. =
Two of the choices for president want to tax the oil companies = for=20 windfall profits. This is shear genius, in the Wile E. Coyote sense = of the=20 term. Where do we suppose that oil companies, or any company get = their=20 profits? And what will these companies do to make up for profits = lost to the=20 imbeciles in our Government?
Why $6.00 a gallon fuel will cover that my friends. That will = be $10.00=20 a gallon for low lead aviation fuel just for starters.
But that just my opinion, and I could be wrong.
Lynn E. Hanover

Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family favorites at AOL=20 Food.