Hang in there, Don
Most of us have experience similar frustration - if with
perhaps different problems.
Here is one thing I can think of. You stated it does
not buck with the secondary injectors disconnected. Do you have the
injector disable switches installed? When you say disconnect - I
presume you mean unplug the electrical connectors - or is turning off power to
the secondary with the disable switch??
In any case, here is what I would do, I would
disconnect the electrical connection to the primary injectors - pull the
electrical connector off the primary and plug them into the secondary
injectors. Turn the secondary disable switch off. IF the engine runs
fine with the secondary now then you have shown that the problem is
not the secondary injectors. If it still bucks then you could have a bad
I used to have a bad stumble when the secondary injectors
were turned on by the EC2. I had though it was too rich as well, but when
I finally hooked my EFSIM monitor and could see the air/fuel ratio indictor as
well as the bars of the fuel map. I found out it was going too lean,
enriching (increasing height of fuel map bars) eliminated the
I don't have an EM2 so can't help you with why it is
intermittent in displaying pressure.
But, try switching injectors wires and if you do
disconnect (as opposed to disabling with the disable switch) remember that the
EC2 has no way of knowing the two you disconnected are no longer
connected. So you need to place the disable switch to off(ground) for
whichever set of injectors you don't want operating for the test.
Otherwise, the EC2 will still assume all 4 injectors are ready to fire and it
will reduce the pulse width to the injectors by 1/2 when it goes from two to
four injectors. If only 2 injectors are connected then you will only be
1/2 the fuel to the engine that it needs. By using the disable switch to
turn off one of the pair, the EC2 will automatically double the Pulse width to
the two remaining injectors.
So if you are only using two injectors with one pair
disconnected, you should turn the disable switch to off for the disconnected
Hopefully someone else can provide more helpful
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 8:23
Subject: [FlyRotary] staging
The list has been a little quiet lately, so here
goes. I'm the guy who couldn't get his Renesis going. Turns out a
capacitor was missing for the EC-2. Then it would only start on a rare
occation. Turns out it needed a 1000 ohm resistor across the CAS line as
noise was changing the timing. Now, Stageing is difficult. Auto
tune isn't really working and I have resolved that I will do it
manually. It kind of works, but takes a long time and it's easier to
just do it manually. My suspicion is that the manifold pressure is not
holding steady enough, but now I am not so sure. I even added 2 ports
near the throttle body, but it is still erratic. Even teed them together
with the back ports. Now back to staging.
I get up to 19 inches, the staging * turns
off and the engine start bucking. Tryed mode 6, setting for larger
injectors (I am running stock renesis 295 primaries and 610 secondaries)
Still bucks. Tried mode 6 turning down flow rate. At about 20
inches I was able to get it to even out, but it still bucks at 19, 19.5 and it
bucks so bad that I can't get it to 21. I assume it is flooding as I was
able to get it to run at 20 inches, but can't get it to change at any other
setting. The EM-2 is erratic. The grafical mixture moniter, works
and displays most of the time at lower manifold settings, but the higher the
setting, the less it displays. At 19 inches, it only displays about 5%
of the time. Kind of hard to set things if I have no feedback.
Even stuck in a new O2 sensor to no avail. I can't run it
long at these power levels, as I quickly get to 210 degrees. My suspicion is
there is a root cause of all this EM-2 erratic displaey stuff. My very
uneducated guess is that electical noise is causing all these problems.
Your thoughts?? Solutions?
To add more problems, at high temps, I heard a
squeel, then it stopped. Then it happened again. I didn't know
what it was, so shut down. Couldn't get it restarted. Pumps
sounded funny and no fuel pressure. Seems pumps over heated and
cavitated as 5 minuets later, they started working. They are shielded
and with a cool tube blowing on them. Apparently not enough. Your
suggestions are very appreciated. Tracy??? Oh, yeah. If I
disconnect the secondary injectors, it won't buck.
Don Walker
Frustrated RV-8 renesis builder
Now I'm e-mailing the Dynon list to find out why
it won't display GPS data