Nice work!!
I wish you were local.
George ( down under)
two factors are at work. First the S-beam is longer on the left
side. The reason for this is to provide more room for the exhaust INSIDE
the motor mount tubes. On the right side, the S-beam is shorter to
provide more room for a cool side radiator OUTSIDE of the motor mount tubes.
Also, at work is the right thrust angle of 1.25 degrees.
Despite the optical illusion, the engine is on the design thrust line.
On Dec 1, 2007, at 2:38 PM, Ed Anderson wrote:
Nice work, Jerry.
Is it just the angle of the photo or is the pan is not
aligned with the mount? It appears cocked over to the right front of
the mount pretty far or at least there appears to be a lot more front mount
showing on the left side of the pan (photo reference)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2007 11:18
Subject: [FlyRotary] RV 10A/ 20B engine
Hi guys. I just finished an engine mount for an RV10 with a
20B. This is the largest engine mount I have built The oil
pan holds 12 qts!! There will be more pictures of it on
jerryhey.com as soon as I can get them uploaded. Probably tomorrow.
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