----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2007 12:02
Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: Giving up on
single rotor
Well, hang in there Rusty, once bitten by the rotary bug
its almost always a life-time infection.
You're right about this Ed. I've still got
lots of ideas I want to try, and I'm still scheming ways to use the two rotor
engine in an LSA compliant aircraft. The latest thought is an RV-9
limited to 1320 lbs
now, I might sell the single rotor shafts and balance weights, but I'm not
going to sell the other engine stuff just yet. I need a winter
project, so I'm going to bring the test stand home, and build a nice
160HP two rotor engine for the stand. Once that's done and tested with
the Autoflight drive, I'll have had a couple more months to decide what I want
to do. If I use the engine, fine. If not, it will be
easier to sell, and to transport, since the stand is actually a small trailer
Glad to hear the uncertain future only involves your
next project - but I'm scare to ask what it might be.