Mailing List Message #40527
From: jesse farr <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Need some advise..
Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2007 13:24:16 -0500
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
All I know is I have been told that stuff will ruin them; but, as to all the other questions, I do not have a clue. Surely someone here will know, tho'. In case not, I will see if can find who told me what and ask. Let you know.
jofarr, soddy tn

----- Original Message ----- From: "Bill Bradburry" <>

I just removed my exhaust to have some welding done on it.  When I replaced
it, I added some anti-seize compound on the two EGT thermocouples and also
the O2 sensor boss.

When I started the engine, the O2 sensor worked for a few minutes, then
stopped working.  I assume that it did not like the anti-seize compound???

My question is.will it come back after a while?  If I need to replace the O2
sensor, should I try and remove all the compound from the thermocouples as
well? (they are ahead of the O2 sensor)  Should I run the engine for a while
after I remove the compound to try and burn it out of the pipe or should I
clean out the pipe?

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