Mailing List Message #40522
From: Ed Anderson <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: Giving up on single rotor, selling rotary stuff
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 14:59:05 -0500
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
If I were to start another RV, it would probably be an RV-9.  It does everything but top speed and acro that the RV-6A and since I rarely ever go top speed and do not do acro, the advantages of climb rate, fuel economy and lower landing speeds make it a good choice.
On the other hand, I might should save myself for the RV-12 - except can't put a rotary in it - unless Richard starts offering his one rotor for sale.
Well, hang in there Rusty, once bitten by the rotary bug its almost always a life-time infection.  Besides, don't you droll thinking about the 1600cc all aluminum rotary?  Less weight than the current 2 rotor - think what you could do with than in an RV-3 (I gotta try  {:>))
Glad to hear the uncertain future only involves your next project - but I'm scare to ask what it might be.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 1:30 PM
Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: Giving up on single rotor, selling rotary stuff

Sounds like a lot of parts that would give somebody a good start on a two rotor. 
Hopefully someone else, and not me :-)   
By the way does your sign off "Future Uncertain" pertain to your personal life or your next project? 
Thanks for your concern, but I just mean the next project.  Sometimes I wish the rest of my future wasn't so certain :-)
My little brain has been scheming lots of odd project possibilities using the 2 rotor parts.  If the kit was pre-punched, I'd be mighty tempted to try an LSA RV-3.  I'm getting lazy though, and can't see myself building a non-pre-punched kit now.  I'm also considering an RV-9(no stinkin' A <g>).   I've got a seaplane rating now too, so.... 
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