I now have to definitely recommend the installation of injector
disable switches. In my recent flights I have come upon periods of
extreme mixture variations and rough running engine. Because of the
injector disable switches, I have been able to trace the problem to the
secondary injectors (somewhere in that circuit). Of course, the fact
that I recently installed the disable switches remains as a possible
cause of my problems, but that is irrelevant.
To further narrow the hunt, I would like to simply install a
different pair of secondary injectors, which I happen to have lying
around. trouble is, they are peak-and-hold type and require resistors
per Tracys instructions. I thought I would just run out to radioshack
this morning and pick some up. But I see that it is not that easy.
Tracy calls for 5 ohm 25 watt resistors. Radio shack does not sell
anything like that. Digikey has 2 types with that rating, thick film
and wire wound. For those of you who hear electronic speak and it does
not sound like "blah blah voltage blah blah", does it matter which type
I order? The wire wound are about half the price, but that matters
not. I just want to keep the magic smoke inside the box and the
propeller going round and round.