Now this would be a beautiful thing. I hope to hear more soon. Not that
I'm in the market, but it'd be great to see that be successful. Maybe
after Tracy finishes his datalogger, fixing our stuff, building his
RV8, mowing the lawn, taking out the trash, and a million other little
jobs, he can find a few minutes to design this into his RD-XX, then
upgrade all of ours...
:-) .
Seriously though, it would be great, but wasn't somebody on this
list (Ernest maybe?) looking into the possibility of fitting a gen coil
from a motorcycle (Goldwing?) to the flexplate? Any further info? There
was also some company offering a mechanical water pump with an
alternator integral to the pulley. I believe someone on the list was
thinking about trying it? Any info?
Giffen Marr wrote:
Mistral announced the installation of two generators internal to the PSRU,
which will also serve as a starter. They are hoping that they will require
no maintenance except at TBO of the engine. I've looked at their web site,
but did not find any reference to the installation. Basic design information
is the magnets are attached to the shaft and the coils are attached to the
case, and everything is electronically controlled. They listed the output,
but I did not write down the details.
Giff Marr
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