Mailing List Message #38411
From: jesse farr <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] FW: Elected Officials at Work
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2007 22:11:50 -0400
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
I think they mean ga pilots can't lobby (donate?) like airlines can; so, they've got to provide the services they have been paid for. After all, the golden rule still applies, especially in our government in this day and age.
jofarr, soddy tn

----- Original Message ----- From: "Kelly Troyer" <>

Mississppi Senator Trent Lott joined his colleague across the
aisle in threatening general aviation, if the Senate's FAA funding
bill (S.1300) is changed or disapproved.

"We're going to have a fair bill or no bill, and I'm prepared to
go to the mat," the Republican said.

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